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The 007 Minute Podcast - Page 0

The 007 Minute Podcast

About Us

Mark Cerulli

All Things James Bond

Way back in 1995 Mark was a producer of the first-ever James Bond DVD documentaries.  As a writer/producer for HBO he interviewed two of the Bonds – Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan.  (He also interviewed Bond #1 Barry Nelson for a Spy Guise project.)  He credits his father, a noted jazz writer, for introducing him to the world of 007 as a child and Diamonds Are Forever was the first “new” Bond film Mark saw, so it remains a favorite.  Over the years Mark has met or interviewed a large number of Bond actors and filmmakers, writing for publications/websites like Cinema Retro, From Sweden With Love, Mi-6 and others.  

Jim O'Kane

Everything Else

With so many podcasts to produce (Airport Minute, Rocketeer Minute, Die Hard Minute, 007 Minute just for starters) Jim’s looked into hiring doubles like Blofeld to get the job done. He may or may not actually be in the episode you’re listening to right now.

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